This page is dedicated to those who have passed away while in service.
Marked with * indicates the name has been added after confirmation and verification by the Memorial
Advisor Board.
Editors note: This is not inclusive, nor final and we appreciate any corrected or additional information
you may provide. Our appreciation is extended to many Rangermen who have provided both names and dates,
but also verification. Most information has been obtained by researching cruise books. Often we have
found between cruises records are not available.
Our policy for corrections is:
Feb. 13, 2003
The battle now is over, The sailor breathes his last.
His friends and family gather, As the world just rolls on past.
For God, for cause, for country, This sailor gave his life.
With pride-with honor-with courage, He paid the highest price.
There'll be no call to arms, No putting on of gear,
No waiting for engagement, No more the taste of fear.
Six men bear him softly And lay him gently down.
He'll soon be covered over, And lie beneath the ground.
A folded flag for all to see, The price this sailor paid,
That keeps the fight for freedom Alive another day.
Some will say he's crazy To stand and fight and die.
And because they have no courage, They'll run away and hide.
But some are proud and willing To serve and give their all,
In glory they become monuments Or etched names on a wall.
So taps is played and rifles fired, Loved ones hearts are riven.
Both proud and sad, all do know This sailor's life was Given.